Wonder of Science English Essay in 400 Words

Introduction:- Today science has made its supremacy in the whole world. Human life and science complement each other. Science plays a major role in our life. Today man can fly in the sky like birds with the help of science. Can breathe in deep to deep water. We can cover the maximum distance in a … Read more

English Essay on Education in 400 Words

Education is the basis of human life. Education is the word that teaches a person to live life. Human life is incomplete without education. Education should be equally for both men and women because together they make a healthy and educated society. It is necessary for all people to be educated for a better country … Read more

Write English Essay on Hospital in 350 Words

Hospital is a place where sick people are worked to overcome their illness. There are two types of hospitals, one is government and the other is private hospital. Hospitals are a place for sick people where people are healthy. Sick people come to the hospital to get their treatment done. In the hospital, people get … Read more

English Essay on My Village in 300 Words

My village is a very big village. The name of my village is Rampur. My village is surrounded by fields from all sides and different types of flowers, trees and plants are seen here. In my village, there is so much peace in the morning that the chirping of birds is very sweet. In my … Read more

English Essay on Internet in 400 Words

Internet is an important invention of modern science. Internet has made our life easy, through internet we can do any work sitting at home today. Through the internet, we can pay bills, book tickets and do many other things sitting at home. Internet has promoted things like online shopping and online studies. We can easily … Read more

Speech and Essay on Independence Day in English 300 Words

Good morning to all the respected Principal, respected teachers and all my dear friends. Today I am standing before you to deliver a speech on Independence Day. Before giving the speech, I want to wish you all a very Happy Independence Day. As you all would know that we have gathered here on the occasion … Read more

Lal Bahadur Shastri Essay in English 300 words

Lal Bahadur Shastri was the son of India. Lal Bahadur Shastri ji was the second Prime Minister of independent India. He was born on 2 October 1904. Lal Bahadur Shastri was born in Mughalsarai near Varanasi. Lal Bahadur Shastri ji was a true and great son of the country who dedicated his life for patriotism. … Read more

हिंदी निबंध लिखे 400 और 200 शब्दों में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पर

परिचय:- अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस हर वर्ष 21 जून को मनाया जाता है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने इस दिन को अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस के रूप में मनाने का प्रस्ताव रखा था. मानव जीवन में स्वास्थ्य ही सबसे बड़ा धन है। योग हमारे जीवन के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। योग हमारे शरीर को ही नहीं बल्कि हमारे … Read more

English Essay on International Yoga Day in 400 words.

Introduction:- International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21 June. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had proposed to celebrate this day as International Yoga Day. Health is the biggest wealth in human life. Yoga is very important for our life. Yoga not only helps in keeping our body healthy but also our mind and brain. … Read more

English Essay on Flood in 600 Words causes of flood, prevent flood and Damage caused by flood

Introduction:- Flood is a natural disaster. The problem that arises due to excessive rain and water is called flood. Due to the increase in the water of the river, it engulfs the areas around it. Because of which many types of economic and living problems arise. There is no arrangement for the drainage of water … Read more

पेड़ के महत्त्व पर निबंध लिखे

पेड़ हमारे जीवन का एक मुख्य अंग हैं पेड़ के बिना हम जीवन की कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते हैं | पेड़ से हमे बहुत कुछ प्राप्त होता हैं | जीवन जीने के लिए सबसे जरूर चीज “ऑक्सीजन” हमे पेड़ से प्राप्त होता हैं | प्रदुषण को कम करने में पेड़ महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता हैं … Read more

मोबाइल फ़ोन पर ऐसे निबंध लिखे

मोबाइल फ़ोन पर ५०० शब्दों में निबंध लिखे आज का युग मोबाइल का युग हो गया हैं | दुनिया में अधिकांश लोग आज मोबाइल का उपयोग कर रहे हैं | आज सभी लोग मोबाइल फ़ोन पर आश्रित हो गया हैं क्योकि हम अपने सभी कामो को बहुत जल्दी और आसानी से कर लेते हैं | … Read more

वनोन्मूलन पर निबंध लिखे ५०० शब्दों में

प्रस्तावना :- हम मानव जाति के द्वारा जंगलों को समाप्त करना वनोन्मूलन है। आज दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ती जनसंख्या के कारण कृषि, उद्योग, आवास, व्यवसाय, शहर आदि दूसरे उद्देश्यों की पूर्ति करने के लिए जंगलो को काट रहे हैं | वनों की कटाई वन्य जीवन, मानव स्वास्थ्य और पर्यावरण को खतरे में डाल रहा है। बढ़ती … Read more

हिंदी में विश्व प्रकृति संरक्षण दिवस पर निबंध लिखे ५०० शब्दों में

विश्व प्रकृति संरक्षण दिवस ( World Nature Conservation Day ) 28 जुलाई को मनाया जाता है। विश्व प्रकृति संरक्षण दिवस मनाना पृथ्वी के प्राकृतिक वातावरण से विलुप्त होते हुए जीव – जन्तुओं तथा पेड़ – पौधों का संरक्षण करना है। आज प्रकृति को संरक्षण करना बहुत आवयश्यक हैं | बढ़ते प्रदूषण का कारण प्रकृति असंतुलन … Read more